2017 Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt
Reviews and commentaries on wine. The main, but not exclusive, emphasis is on wines of Burgundy and Germany.
In 2017, production was about 15% less than average, said Hanno Zilliken. Hervesting began on 2 October. The wines are characterized by very high dry extracts; already at the Kabinett level, there are 30 g/l dry extract. This is a most successful vintage across the board. (Continue reading here.)
were essentially no wines that performed below expectations (not that there were many in other regions) and the two top Rieslings I tasted were from the Pfalz. (Continue reading here.)
This set of wines was surprisingly mixed in quality, with some producers performing as expected, but others falling short. (Continue reading here.)
There’s somewhat more variability here than for other areas already reviewed, but the best came up with outstanding wines. (Continue reading here.)